"Jesus said, 'My kingdom is not of this world... my kingdom is from another place.'"
(John 18:36)

John 18:28-37;
Matthew 16:24-28
The land where baby Jesus entered human history was in turmoil, and God’s delivery of Israel from Egyptian slavery centuries earlier was a distant memory. Since enduring Babylonian captivity, the chosen people had labored to rebuild, but were internally divided by social and religious discord. Heavily taxed and groaning under the cruel fist of Rome, Israel mourned… anxious for God to send the Savior and Messiah He had promised.

Many prophecies predicted this king would come, the one Israel believed would end their poverty, crush their captors, and rule them in power. Sadly, few realized that Jesus’ coming would usher in a kingdom of a very different and much better sort.

The eternal kingdom He introduced is a spiritual one. The battle is not for a nation’s borders. Gentle Jesus came to rule our hearts and be victor not over Rome, but over sin’s powerful grip. He came once and for all to bring forgiveness and peace to those who would accept Him…to win mankind back from crushing slavery to everlasting freedom and life.

Scripture Focus

John 18:28-37;
Matthew 16:24-28


Christ Jesus is this very moment ruling his kingdom from a throne of love, mercy and grace. His kingdom is open to all!

Bible In A Year

  • Ezekiel 43-44
  • Proverbs 2
  • Philemon

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