“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.”

John 14:1
The first discipleship conference I attended was at the Navigators “Castle” in Glen Erie, Colorado. The speaker was Dr. John Mitchel, President of Multnomah School of the Bible. He stated that if he could have only a part of the Bible, he would choose John 13-17. He taught from these chapters all week long, and by the end of the conference, I had a renewed confidence of Jesus in my life.
Now, years later in ministry, I continue to find the practicality of these chapters. In John 13:38 Jesus tells Peter that he’s going to fail and deny Him, but He immediately offers this assurance: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.” Isn’t this the message we all need for today? How often in a moment of failure, defeat or depression doesn’t Jesus rescue us by reminding us of His love and presence? The saving work of Christ is our only hope!
At the “Castle,” more than once we sang, “My hope is in the Lord who gave Himself for me,/ and paid the price of all my sins at Calvary.” This simple truth builds a confident heart.

Scripture Focus

John 13:31-14:1


His grace has planned it all, ‘tis mine but to believe,/ and recognize His work of love and Christ receive. (Norman J. Clayton, 1903)

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Samuel 20-21
  • Psalm 130
  • 2 Corinthians 12

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