“‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite.’”

Isaiah 57:15b
In our human view, we lose sight of how high and exalted God really is. We tend to think He is an accepting, permissive Father who approves of all we do because His love is greater than His holiness. While it surely is wrong to presume upon God and raise ourselves to God’s level, it also is remarkable to know what He did for us. Of His own accord, He came down to our lowly level into the mire of our sin, and He does indeed tell us, “It’s okay because I paid for all your sin and I love you.”
God does not love your sin. God does not approve of your sin. But His love for you is at the same time so great that He bore the punishment of your sin for you. When we recognize our lowliness and are contrite in our hearts, we are welcomed into God’s presence, His “high and holy place.”
You may be bruised and beaten down by your sin. Seek forgiveness from the faithful One who heals and restores. If you want to be with God—to even now have a deep relationship with Him—recognize your need, and He will lift you up to live with Him.

Scripture Focus

Isaiah 57:14-19; Matthew 5:3


Raise your idea of God to His exalted position and recognize how low your position is. Yet He came into our lowly world for us!

Bible In A Year

  • Deuteronomy 5-6
  • Psalm 82
  • Acts 3-4

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