“Jesus replied, ‘No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.’”

Luke 9:62
Becoming a Christian is costly. The grace and forgiveness found in the new birth are free, but they cost us a great deal. And winning them cost Jesus even more.
Behind every Christ follower is a trail, and that trail is littered with the things of this world they surrendered to follow Him. For some it is worldly pleasures. For others the road is cluttered with material items or lofty job titles they could not, in good conscience, continue to own. Some of our brothers and sisters have lost the love and acceptance of their own families, disowned for the cause of Christ.
But I’ve noticed that I never hear a Christian lament not having those things anymore. They went and “sold all they had” and are too busy rejoicing at the “pearl of great price” they bought instead (Matthew 13:45-46).
All they left behind turned to dust and ashes. Plowing is difficult, tiresome work. Gospel plowing is hard work, too. But the fruits of our labor will be eternally sweet in Jesus who, out of His great love, changes everything.

Scripture Focus

Luke 9:57-62


Plow. Pray. Sow. Pray. WaTer. Pray. Reap. Rejoice!

Bible In A Year

  • Isaiah 41-42
  • Psalm 91
  • Acts 14

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