Part 1: John Perkins was born into a poor family in the south. He fled after his brother was murdered by a town marshal. He vowed never to return, but after meeting Jesus, he felt a burden to share the gospel.

Part 2: The great wall of hostility can only be destroyed through the cross. It is where all distinctions are removed and we are all equally leveled as sinners in need of a Savior

Part 3: Today marks 50 years of Martin Luther King’s passing. It is easy for us to view racism as a thing of the past, but it still exists today. Our solution can only be Christ, the one who brings true unity.

Part 4: The famous song, “We shall overcome” still ring out. People are searching for peace and for the walls of racial division to fall. But, there is only one person who can truly overcome.

Part 5: The Lord calls us to unity in spite of our differences. It is through Christ and His redemption that we can be unified regardless of our race, gender, and ethnicity. Hear about God’s wonderful plan to unify all people.

He Shall Overcome | Part 1
April 2, 2018
He Shall Overcome | Part 2
April 3, 2018
He Shall Overcome | Part 3
April 4, 2018
He Shall Overcome | Part 4
April 5, 2018
He Shall Overcome | Part 5
April 6, 2018



One Blood: Parting Words To The Church On Race

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